What is even going on? This is most tense and morbid cbb that has ever been shown, all the house mates arguing apart those that have absolutely no balls to stand up for themselves! Perez seems to have some form of issue going on, everyone’s backed away from him which results in him ‘fearing for the safety of his life’- so dramatic. Katie Hopkins… Well what a laugh she is, before CBB she was portrayed to be Britians nastiest woman, however I believe she is saying exactly what everyone else is thinking and delivers these words just how the recepient deserves! Where’s all the fun in CBB that viewers have seen in the previous years?! We’ve seen a housemate pretty much have sex with a wall. We’ve seen an older man saying strange things to the younger female housemates, we’ve seen those boring house mates sat on their arses not saying a word and just agreeing with people as they are scared to do otherwise, where’s the laughter?! Where’s the fun? Smiling? Sadly Alexander left which the majority of the house mates are not happy about but Katie’s arrival has sparked happiness. Just slightly. Perhaps if Perez dissapeared we may see some smiley faces?

Understanding Musicians


How hard is it as a musician to get into the music industry??? I’ve been trying all my life! Just need the right contacts I guess, like they all say it’s not what you know its who you know! What do I do? Do I go busking? Do I start writing my own songs? I have access to a studio do I write songs and then record them in that studio? But then who the hell would be interested in my album and how would I market it to make it become viral and reach a world wide audience?! Do I learn every instrument going? Get singing lessons again? These are questions running through every musicians mind. There’s only so many YouTube videos I can record, so many songs I can write before I run out of ideas, hope & faith. I feel like I can only dream of my music to reach a worldwide audience, where as for others it’s reality! One day, one day I WILL get there if it kills me!!!

A Guide For LTU Students About Professional Profiles On LinkedIn

CC- BY- SA, http://bit.ly/1wR33ha
CC- BY- SA, http://bit.ly/1wR33ha


LinkedIn is a social network full of employers and this is why having a professional profile on LinkedIn is very important, the reason for this is because LinkedIn is used for people to become employed in certain fields of work and for those who want to find a job in any area of employment. Many employers browse through LinkedIn profiles everyday to see which candidate is appropriate for the job role they are advertising.

To begin with users should have an appropriate profile picture on their LinkedIn profile, this profile picture could just be of their face and should be a close up of their face, smiling on a photo looks more professional also. Employers will recognise and identify people easier this way. If a person had a picture of their cat as their profile picture on LinkedIn for example, employers may think that users are not being serious therefore they will not be taken seriously and maybe loose out on a job opportunity. If you aren’t a very serious person then these employers may gage that these users may not take their job seriously if they were to take them on.

A professional LinkedIn profile would display a person’s key & main skills, you should make this information easily accessible and viewable to the public eye so that when employers are looking at your profile the employer can notice the key skills easily and compare them to the job role they are offering the candidate, the employer would then make the decision on whether to contact you or not. For a LinkedIn profile to appear professional it would be a perfect idea to add previous job history to a LinkedIn profile and again this must be easily accessible on the front page of the profile for employers, perhaps this information should be written in a certain font to make it noticeable, possibly in bold letters.

Inappropriate and irrelevant information should not appear on a LinkedIn profile, this is likely to make employers change their mind on whether to actually set you on or not, or to divert their attention away from your profile. Relevant Information on a LinkedIn could be where a name is displayed and is easily accessible, current job title (if applicable), previous work history as mentioned before, education is a key part of information to display on a LinkedIn profile, for a LinkedIn profile is important that a person displays their hobbies and interests also. Qualification are very important and will make an accurate and professional LinkedIn profile as employers can match up qualifications for a job against a LinkedIn profile, employers can match up different qualifications to different jobs. This could cause a person to be employed quicker too.

A catchy headline for a LinkedIn profile is a great idea to help people become attracted to your account, users should make their headline stand out or employers may move onto someone else as there profile headline may be more interesting. It is important for a LinkedIn user to make sure that the information on their profile is targeted to the audience they want to attract, the reason for this is because, for example- If a person wanted to work in a Cafe but displayed that they were interested in working in a hair salon, this person would attract the wrong audiences and may get job offers to work in a hair salon when in fact they actually want to be employed in the catering industry.

A personalised URL is a good start to making a professional looking LinkedIn profile, you can customise your own URL to something you’d like, it is helpful if you choose something similar to your name or something that is easy for you to remember and for employers to remember also, a simple URL makes your profile look more attractive. It is vital that a persons contact details are displayed on their LinkedIn profile, how can an employer contact you further if there are no details? People who are not in your contacts can also contact you much easier if your details are findable. Many people display their email address, Twitter ID, some display their phone numbers, links to other social networking sites they have accounts on.

A professional LinkedIn profile is one that is updated daily, keeping a target audience engaged is vital, employers could be watching you for days and then see that you have stopped engaging and these employers may then become uninterested in you. To keep a target audience engaged a user could share with their connections what they find interesting and to show everyone what they are doing, upcoming projects etc. When a personal URL has been created it can then be put onto any advertisement platform you are wanting to use, it should be put across all of your social media platforms, Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc, this will help you gain more recognition. Users from these other social networking sites will find your LinkedIn profile, they may have a LinkedIn account themselves and they may connect with you or endorse you for your skills or even better give you a recommendation! My LinkedIn profile only displays a small summary, what I’m studying now, only one job that i’ve done in the past and where i’m from, and how you can contact me on other networks also, I will be critical of myself here as I don’t thing mine is that effective or detailed enough.


On a LinkedIn profile there is a section where you can display a little summary about yourself, this is another tool that can attract employers, this sections allows you to explain yourself, your life, or whatever you like but in obviously more detail than just the headline. It is important that this summary isn’t too long and is short and sweet, otherwise employers may become uninterested, a summary should be keyword rich so that it can be easily found in search engines.   it looks and sounds better if a summary is written in first person and this is because it sounds much more personal and human.

Adding media to a LinkedIn profile can make it appear more professional too and this is because it will stand out, not all of the profiles on LinkedIn will have media, some people’s profiles who are desperately searching for jobs are plain and don’t contain much information at all let alone display media. Therefore your profile will stand out from the profiles that are basic and average. When stating past job roles and education/experience it is beneficial that a person is specific, the dates from when a job was started and when it ended are also a good aspect to include when setting up the job history aspect of LinkedIn. When including a job role in history of work it would also be beneficial to employers to state that actual roles that were carried out. For example- a cleaner- mopping floors, cleaning windows etc.

Some people on their profiles contain links to work they have completed, this should be easily accessible by employers and explained as to what these links actually are, where they were completed and why. When an employer has had a look at your profile they may want to find out more and to do this an employer can click on these links and see your previous work, these could lead to them having further interest in you as a candidate. Getting endorsements for your skills is very helpful as it can improve your LinkedIn search ranking, to get endorsements people display their skills on their LinkedIn profile and then hopefully if a persons connections agree with these skills endorsements are created, it is important that a person displays relevant and realistic endorsements otherwise other users may not endorse you for your skills as they may not think that they are true.

A person should get people to recommend them on LinkedIn this is very impressive for employers to see, the two most recent recommendations can be seen next to the corresponding position. To give your more recognition on LinkedIn you should join groups, ‘A person can join up to 50 groups and this will improve their visibility’ (Hebberd and Hebberd, 2013). This also allows any user the ability to search and contact any groups they feel are relevant to their field of work or interests. When your connected to a group, these groups show up in your profile.

CC-BY-SA http://bit.ly/1BIuVT4

Connecting with others can make you more known on LinkedIn, it is important to only invite people who you know well and who know you also, LinkedIn will then ask you how you know this person and will give you some options to click on. When you connect with other people on LinkedIn you can gain more knowledge, if you want to know about upcoming events in your area you can find this out on LinkedIn. As you gain more connections more useful information will float around that can be easily accessed.

‘Bullet points can look appealing on a LinkedIn profile’ (Newhouse, 2014). With all of the fields you can fill in a profile can become quite detailed and appear like there is too much information which some people may just ignore. So it is advisable to bullet point the key points about yourself, so that an employer can scan through your profile for a quick read. It will also make your profile appear more organised. Whether your employed already or searching for work it is beneficial to think of your LinkedIn profile as your own website promoting yourself and your skills to all of your connections, someone out there is bound to be impressed by your work!

Posting professional LinkedIn status updates can show everyone that you know what your talking about, which means greater chances of employment, always make sure your spelling is correct also. Sharing your own blog posts will give you further recognition. It is important that you keep engaging on LinkedIn and don’t just simply stop posting, post things that are relevant to you, and what your trying to advertise your self as to employers. Inappropriate content on your LinkedIn profile could drive employers away. If you run out of things to post, share news stories and perhaps state your opinion on them, if you are passionate about something talk about it, others passionate about that subject are likely to join in.

“While sharing a summary of your past education and experience are important, it’s more vital to illustrate your value and what you can bring to the table.” (Daisyme, 2014). It’s important that an employer knows what you can give to them and their business/company and what skills you can deliver through working a job role. An employer will be searching to identify a specific type of person when looking to take on a candidate. Spelling and grammar is a crucial part of a LinkedIn profile also, the reason for this is because a LinkedIn profile can be seen as a form of online active CV, if your summary, education and experience etc displays information that is not correctly spelt or correctly written employers may view you as unprofessional.

There is a huge benefit of LinkedIn when it comes to social networking sites, LinkedIn has no competition, for example- the two social networking sites Facebook and Twitter are in competition with each other. LinkedIn is a social networking platform for professionals therefore is full of employers looking for candidates and of corse candidates looking for employment. Adding a slide share to your LinkedIn profile will be a huge benefit to you and this is because a slide share can describe simple but effective information about you but quickly, and the slide share will be straight to the point, just how employers like it. You can then post your slide share and LinkedIn will also post your slide share on all the other social networks you use.

Overall in conclusion as I mentioned above, I believe that a LinkedIn profile should include a profile picture of a head shot of yourself, preferably smiling to show that you are an approachable and cheerful person. Include education, experience and work history, an effective summary will attract employers to your profile, but it should be kept short and sweet. I think bullet points are a fantastic idea for a professional looking profile as I said earlier not only does it look organised but employers can easily pick key parts of information about you which is important and relevant to them. Remember a professional profile attracts more employers which equals more job opportunities which then leads onto more options of employment for you to choose from!


Hebberd, L. and Hebberd, L. (2013). How to Create the Perfect LinkedIn Profile [INFOGRAPHIC]. [online] Undercover Recruiter. Available at: http://theundercoverrecruiter.com/perfect-linkedin-profile/ [Accessed 14 Dec. 2014].

Newhouse, C. (2014). 8 Secrets to Building a Stunning LinkedIn Profile. [online] The Huffington Post. Available at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/catherine-newhouse/8-secrets-to-building-linkedin_b_4710151.html [Accessed 12 Dec. 2014].

Daisyme, P. (2014). Why LinkedIn is Important to Your Career in 2014 – Search Engine Journal. [online] Search Engine Journal. Available at: http://www.searchenginejournal.com/linkedin-important-career-2014/95883/ [Accessed 16 Dec. 2014].


Thanks for reading!

Emi Hall.


Measuring Success! How do you know if your social media is ‘working’?

CC- BY- SA http://bit.ly/VfhkmW
CC- BY- SA http://bit.ly/VfhkmW

People always want to know how far their content goes across the internet and to do this people can use a tool called Tweet Reach which works with hash tags. Tweet Reach measures how far a hash tag goes, Tweet Reach states the top contributor to that hash tag, the person who’s had the most re-tweets, how many accounts the hash tag has reached,  how many impressions the hash tag has had to date, it then shows tweets that have been contributed to the hash tag in the past day or so.

Tweet Reach was originally designed for social media professionals, however anyone at all can use it, people can just simply sign in with their Twitter account and type in a hash tag to see how many people it has reached and the success of it. This is very beneficial for marketing purposes as people can see the kind of numbers of people their social media advertisement strategies are reaching, businesses can measure their success and see whether they are making enough impact to make a standard profit or if they need to come up with some new ways to create a larger audience reach.

The Tweet Reach team are always looking for people to join their team, they are hiring new people every week, there are thousand of agencies around the world that rely on Tweet Reach for detailed Twitter reporting. This tool doesn’t only measure audience reach on Twitter but associates with Tumblr & Instagram, this means that businesses can begin to post pictures of daily products and promotions.

Thanks for reading my blog! Emi Hall.

Online Communities


CC BY-SA http://bit.ly/1vpKxsl

Cuckoo Records is a group on Facebook which is an online community, this is a record label and contains people like Annie Drury & Little Violet, this record company is based in Leeds and is quite successful. This group’s artists and the music they create are of interest. People find it very appealing to see up coming artists and music, there are also links to YouTube videos on this page which are professional videos done by Cuckoo Records and look very appealing. This Facebook group is of interest as there are many musical artists that would like to be involved in it themselves, it’s intriging to see the company grow and expand .

It would be beneficial for the Record Label if they posted content everyday as they only seem to be posting once every few weeks in some cases, this is recommended to them so that they can again gain more recognition not just for their profit but for the profit of their contributors also. They should also get their artists too repost their content so that their record label does become more popular and even though they are very well known already they could become even larger and branch out into the world further.

Members can post everything on this page, within reason, nothing explicit obviously, artists involved in the company should definitely share and like the page of the company and also persuade their friends to do the same! Each artist involved in this record label could post about themselves on this group page, advertise themselves and recommend other artists to their friends etc which in turn will make the other artists more popular, YouTube videos should be posted on this page. Cuckoo Records promotes events that artists will be performing at in order to gain more attention to each artist. The group will gain recognition from this as each artist will earn money and will give a certain amount of that money to Cuckoo Records themselves.

Some artists have appeared on BBC Radio 2 regularly, especially Annie Drury her hit song ‘Someday’ appeared on Terry Wogan’s Weekend Wogan show. An artist involved in this Record Label named Raglans topped the indie album chart with thanks to the Cuckoo Records, therefore the person who runs this group will have gained a profit for the artists involved and all the other people who are employed at the record label, not just recognition, business men and woman/ promoters, events organisers etc will become very interested. The final recommendation within this field would to get absolutely everyone involved in this record to collaborate together and share each others content, create new content, or maybe all of the artists involved in this record label could all record a song together for Christmas!

Emily Hall.

Music Artists To Play At The BBC Music Awards!

Catfish and The Bottlemen are making an appearence at this years BBC Music Awards, the upcoming band are seeming to be doing really well for themselves. Many young lady fans will be pleased to hear about this! Here’s a picture of the singer of the band performing-

CC- BY- SA http://bit.ly/1vLhsdE
CC- BY- SA http://bit.ly/1vLhsdE

Another confirmed group to be performing at the BBC Music Awards is of corse the One Direction boys! Which the majority of girls and boys all over the world will be delighted about. One Direction have worked hard this year with their ‘Where We Are’ tour.They really are doing well for themselves!

Here is a video from a drummer which shows three of the boys performing on their ‘Where We Are’ tour, from stage view.

Coldplay shall also be playing at the BBC Music Awards this year! Coldplay have also had a very successful year, this band are also one of the biggest in the world and released their sixth album so far named ‘Ghost Stories’. Which appeared on Radio 1’s Big Weekend in Glasgow as well as a very special live lounge! This a performance not to be missed at the BBC Music Awards!

Here is an audio clip of one of Coldplay’s latest tracks ‘Magic’ which is featured in their sixth album ‘Ghost Stories’.

Clean Bandit have been confirmed to perform at the BBC Music Awards, which everyone is excited about due to their successful year also! This summer Clean Bandit performed at Glastonbury Festival, their singles ‘Mozart’s House’ & ‘Extraordinary’ have seen so much attention in not just Britain but across the world. These guys & girls have done so well for themselves as have all the other artists. When they take the stage on the 11th of December like all the other artists performing that night, there really is no place you’d rather be!! 

Here’s ‘Rather Be’ by Clean Bandit Ft. Jess Glynne, one of their most successful hits of all time-

Scottish DJ & Producer Calvin Harris will be performing that night also. Just like all the other acts he has had an amazingly busy year! He has had hit after hit, featuring some of the most successful names in music business also. He’s been in the charts regularly all year long!

Here’s a clip of one of Calvin Harris’s most popular songs of 2014-

There’s plenty more stars to be performing at the BBC Music Awards on the 11th of December 2014! Be sure to tune in to watch artists Ed Sheeran & Paloma Faith too! It’s going to be a show and a half!

Emily Hall.

Music- the top 3 of the most outrageous pop videos of 2014!

Right at the top the number one most outrageous pop video of this year would be ‘Anaconda’ by Nicki Minaj. The reason for this is because the video is explicit and is too available for children, many children look up to Nicki Minaj as a role model. Her new pop video is far too explicit for day time television. It’s understandable that Nicki wants to keep up her popularity, however this time many people think she has taken it too far.

This is a link to the number one most outrageous pop video of 2014!

nicki-minaj-anaconda-music-video2 CC BY-SA, http://bit.ly/1v5Wma3

The second most outragous pop video for this year would be- Jennifer Lopez Ft Iggy Azalea- Booty. The reason that this pop video is in number two is because basically throughout most of the video all Jennifer Lopez & Iggy Azalea do is rub their bottoms together whilst wearing leotards, even though the song is about ‘Booty’ 75% of the video should not be focused on their bottoms.

This is a link to the video-

booty27f-1-webCC BY-SA, http://nydn.us/1xk9adk

The third most outrageous pop video of this year would be- Fifth Harmony- BO$$, The reason that this video is number 3 in the most outrageous pop videos of 2014 is the girls in this video are children, some of these girls are 16 or 17 years old and the outfits they are wearing for a girls of that age are not very appropriate. Girls of this age should not be dressed in this way as it will cause other girls of this age to copy, every person has their own right and each to their own opinion.

This is a link of the music video-

fifth-harmony-boss-video CC BY-SA, http://idola.to/1v7ryoU

Emily Hall

This Weeks Trends On Google+!

, http://bit.ly/1u8t5cS


This weeks trends on Google+- the most searched term in Google this week is ‘Poppy’ with 100,000+ searches, as Remembrance Day approached this week it seemed that thousands of people have been reading about the horrific stories that have been occurring around the world regarding poppies. The second biggest search in Google this week was ‘Remembrance Day’, as millions of people sit and remember their families and friends of the war all those years ago, or even just to support those who were in the war that they didn’t even have any connection too, because they are respectful and value what these people did for their country all that time ago, with 50,000+ searches this was a popular topic this week. The third most popular topic this week was ‘Real Sociedad’, this topic talks about David Moyes stating that ‘he can restore Real Sociedad to where they properly belong’. Finally the fourth most popular topic this week as ‘I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here’ appears on television screens on Sunday was ‘Nadia Forde’ who has been confirmed to be appearing in the show this year. Her name was searched 20,000+ times this week due to the hype of the show.

How ‘Open’ is Open Content?

CC BY- SA, creativecommons.org

I looked at the article that talked about defining the ‘open’ in open content.

This article is very useful, the information in this article will benefit our online research and content generation module greatly. The article talks about the ‘5R’ activity which basically consists of the words ‘Retain’, ‘Reuse’, ‘Revise’, ‘Remix’ & ‘Redistribute’- the ‘5R’ are points that online users can engage in when wanting to use a piece of online content. This is a key point that is useful for the module as the ‘5R’ rule means that any copyrightable work can be used by a person in any way possible. This article explains how ‘open’ open content can actually be to the online world. However the article explains that some open licences are not actually very open at all, it states that many open licences do have restrictions, this is useful to the module as when a student is wanting to share work using an ‘open license’ and also let others use their work online as they want to ensure that it is noticed, this license may not be as open as it states when a student uses it. The reason some ‘open licenses’ are not as open as they state is due to legal requirements. Therefore this article is a form of warning to anyone that uses open licenses which may not be as open as people may think- a person may be wondering why their content is getting no attention or very little. The article talks about poor technical issues which make ‘open’ content less open, this involves the ‘ALMS Framework’ which open content publishers use as a guide when publishing content online, ‘ALMS’ stands for access to editing tools, level of expertise required, meaningfully editable & self sourced. The article explains that the ‘ALMS’ framework must be used as a guide when a person is thinking about posting open online content, it is used so that open content publishers can ensure that there content will be as open as it can possibly be. The ‘ALMS’ guide is useful to students as when students are thinking about how to get their work noticed they can also use the guide to try and get their content as open as possible, this would be useful for WordPress, it’s important that content is posted very openly if an online publisher is wanting their content to get attention and be successful.