Understanding Musicians


How hard is it as a musician to get into the music industry??? I’ve been trying all my life! Just need the right contacts I guess, like they all say it’s not what you know its who you know! What do I do? Do I go busking? Do I start writing my own songs? I have access to a studio do I write songs and then record them in that studio? But then who the hell would be interested in my album and how would I market it to make it become viral and reach a world wide audience?! Do I learn every instrument going? Get singing lessons again? These are questions running through every musicians mind. There’s only so many YouTube videos I can record, so many songs I can write before I run out of ideas, hope & faith. I feel like I can only dream of my music to reach a worldwide audience, where as for others it’s reality! One day, one day I WILL get there if it kills me!!!