Online Communities



Cuckoo Records is a group on Facebook which is an online community, this is a record label and contains people like Annie Drury & Little Violet, this record company is based in Leeds and is quite successful. This group’s artists and the music they create are of interest. People find it very appealing to see up coming artists and music, there are also links to YouTube videos on this page which are professional videos done by Cuckoo Records and look very appealing. This Facebook group is of interest as there are many musical artists that would like to be involved in it themselves, it’s intriging to see the company grow and expand .

It would be beneficial for the Record Label if they posted content everyday as they only seem to be posting once every few weeks in some cases, this is recommended to them so that they can again gain more recognition not just for their profit but for the profit of their contributors also. They should also get their artists too repost their content so that their record label does become more popular and even though they are very well known already they could become even larger and branch out into the world further.

Members can post everything on this page, within reason, nothing explicit obviously, artists involved in the company should definitely share and like the page of the company and also persuade their friends to do the same! Each artist involved in this record label could post about themselves on this group page, advertise themselves and recommend other artists to their friends etc which in turn will make the other artists more popular, YouTube videos should be posted on this page. Cuckoo Records promotes events that artists will be performing at in order to gain more attention to each artist. The group will gain recognition from this as each artist will earn money and will give a certain amount of that money to Cuckoo Records themselves.

Some artists have appeared on BBC Radio 2 regularly, especially Annie Drury her hit song ‘Someday’ appeared on Terry Wogan’s Weekend Wogan show. An artist involved in this Record Label named Raglans topped the indie album chart with thanks to the Cuckoo Records, therefore the person who runs this group will have gained a profit for the artists involved and all the other people who are employed at the record label, not just recognition, business men and woman/ promoters, events organisers etc will become very interested. The final recommendation within this field would to get absolutely everyone involved in this record to collaborate together and share each others content, create new content, or maybe all of the artists involved in this record label could all record a song together for Christmas!

Emily Hall.