How ‘Open’ is Open Content?


I looked at the article that talked about defining the ‘open’ in open content.

This article is very useful, the information in this article will benefit our online research and content generation module greatly. The article talks about the ‘5R’ activity which basically consists of the words ‘Retain’, ‘Reuse’, ‘Revise’, ‘Remix’ & ‘Redistribute’- the ‘5R’ are points that online users can engage in when wanting to use a piece of online content. This is a key point that is useful for the module as the ‘5R’ rule means that any copyrightable work can be used by a person in any way possible. This article explains how ‘open’ open content can actually be to the online world. However the article explains that some open licences are not actually very open at all, it states that many open licences do have restrictions, this is useful to the module as when a student is wanting to share work using an ‘open license’ and also let others use their work online as they want to ensure that it is noticed, this license may not be as open as it states when a student uses it. The reason some ‘open licenses’ are not as open as they state is due to legal requirements. Therefore this article is a form of warning to anyone that uses open licenses which may not be as open as people may think- a person may be wondering why their content is getting no attention or very little. The article talks about poor technical issues which make ‘open’ content less open, this involves the ‘ALMS Framework’ which open content publishers use as a guide when publishing content online, ‘ALMS’ stands for access to editing tools, level of expertise required, meaningfully editable & self sourced. The article explains that the ‘ALMS’ framework must be used as a guide when a person is thinking about posting open online content, it is used so that open content publishers can ensure that there content will be as open as it can possibly be. The ‘ALMS’ guide is useful to students as when students are thinking about how to get their work noticed they can also use the guide to try and get their content as open as possible, this would be useful for WordPress, it’s important that content is posted very openly if an online publisher is wanting their content to get attention and be successful.