What creates a good piece of online content?

http://bit.ly/1ppJtpj BY
CC BY-SA http://bit.ly/1ppJtpj

Making content become popular online can be quite hard, but with the some simple tips and hints content on the internet can become more well known. For example- Sharing stories on ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ that are occurring in the news at that current time can make other online users become interested and these users may then read your content, after reading the news story you have shared the user may then comment on the content which will cause the content to keep popping up on the News feed of their friends and followers on ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’- therefore an even bigger audience will see the content, the more people comment and share the news link the bigger the audience will be, so it is very important that a person posts content that they think everyone else will be interested in otherwise the post may not get very much attention at all, if any. By online users commenting on posts they are showing their reaction to the post, which another person may disagree with or have a different view about the post, therefore the comment could become some form of discussion. It would also make this piece of online content more popular by posting a picture with it, people don’t often have time to sit and read large pieces of text and posts usually grab online users attention with images.