Measuring Success! How do you know if your social media is ‘working’?


People always want to know how far their content goes across the internet and to do this people can use a tool called Tweet Reach which works with hash tags. Tweet Reach measures how far a hash tag goes, Tweet Reach states the top contributor to that hash tag, the person who’s had the most re-tweets, how many accounts the hash tag has reached,  how many impressions the hash tag has had to date, it then shows tweets that have been contributed to the hash tag in the past day or so.

Tweet Reach was originally designed for social media professionals, however anyone at all can use it, people can just simply sign in with their Twitter account and type in a hash tag to see how many people it has reached and the success of it. This is very beneficial for marketing purposes as people can see the kind of numbers of people their social media advertisement strategies are reaching, businesses can measure their success and see whether they are making enough impact to make a standard profit or if they need to come up with some new ways to create a larger audience reach.

The Tweet Reach team are always looking for people to join their team, they are hiring new people every week, there are thousand of agencies around the world that rely on Tweet Reach for detailed Twitter reporting. This tool doesn’t only measure audience reach on Twitter but associates with Tumblr & Instagram, this means that businesses can begin to post pictures of daily products and promotions.

Thanks for reading my blog! Emi Hall.